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The tarantula is a large, hairy spider belonging to the family Theraphosidae. Found in warm climates around the world, including South America, Africa, and Asia, tarantulas are known for their intimidating appearance but are generally non-aggressive and harmless to humans.

Tarantulas are ambush predators, feeding on insects, small rodents, and even birds. They use their venom to immobilize prey, then digest it externally before consuming it. Despite their fearsome reputation, tarantula bites are rarely harmful to humans, causing only mild irritation in most cases.

One of the tarantula’s most fascinating behaviors is its use of silk. While they don’t spin webs like other spiders, they use silk to line their burrows, create egg sacs, and detect vibrations from prey.

Tarantulas play a crucial role in controlling pest populations in their ecosystems. However, they face threats from habitat destruction and the exotic pet trade, making their conservation increasingly important.