Alpine Ibex
The Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) is a mountain-dwelling goat known for its agility and impressive curved horns. Found in the rugged alpine regions of Europe, this species is a true master of the heights, thriving in environments where few other animals can survive.
Ibexes are herbivores, feeding on grasses, mosses, and lichen during the summer, and scraping snow to find vegetation in winter. Their hooves are perfectly adapted for climbing steep and rocky terrain, giving them access to food and safety from predators like wolves and lynxes.
Male ibexes use their large horns in dominance battles during the mating season, clashing spectacularly to establish hierarchy. These horns are also a mark of age and status, with larger, more curved horns indicating older, more dominant males.
The Alpine ibex was once on the brink of extinction due to hunting, but thanks to conservation efforts and protected areas, their populations have rebounded, making them a symbol of successful wildlife preservation.